You can expect to be greeted with a warm welcome from our team. During your visit, you’ll be invited to fill out the connect card in the bulletin or connect with us here. This is your one-stop shop to get all your questions answered.
Our goal for each service is that it be worshipful, thought provoking, and relevant to your life. We are thankful to be a multi-generational church, so you can expect a wide variety of musical styles and an encouraging message full of hope. Services last between 60–75 minutes.
You'll be greeted with a warm welcome from our team. During your visit, you'll be invited to fill out the connect card in the bulletin. Or feel free to do it here.
Sit anywhere you feel comfortable!
We have a cry room located in the Southwest corner of the sanctuary. The room is equipped with a changing table, play'n'play, toys, and other amenities that you may need. Please feel free to use this room if you should need it.
There is no dress code when coming to worship at Nishna Valley. Wear what's comfortable for you!
Check out our various ministries (Adult, Kids, and Youth) and fill our a connect card to get connected to our church family.
Our service can be attended online at 10:30 am on YouTube Live. We will post all services to our media page or on our Facebook page for any viewing at a later time.
Do you find yourself wandering through life in need of direction and purpose? Perhaps you desire physical or emotional healing? if you would like someone to pray with you about any of these things or more, please seek out our lead pastor or an elder on Sunday or submit a prayer request.